Tuesday 9 August 2011

The Lamborghini concept car.

A few weeks ago I mentioned a Lamboghini concept model in my blog about Mondo Motors.  I bought the model kit a few weeks ago and having worked hard on it over the last couple of weeks it is finally finished.  I really enjoyed making the model though same of the smaller parts were quite fiddly to work with. I especially enjoyed putting the engine together. I really like the Mondo models as they feel very good quality when they are finished. The cars feel quite heavy and very sturdy.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Top 10 Lamborghini concept cars

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/K7G_zlpGOIc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I liked the Lamborghini video. These cars look really fast.

Friday 22 July 2011


Mondo is an italian company that was founded in 1948. Mondo began as a craft business and gradually over the years has developed into a large multinational group. The Mondo group make a wide range of products from footballs and other sports equipment to rubber flooring. The part of  Mondo that i am interesterted in is Mondo Motors.

Mondo Motors Make great quality die cast model cars at 1 18 and 1 24 scale. They stick to Itah car compies including Lamborghini , Maserati and Alfa Romeo. They have a great range from moden sports cars to old classic and even some police cars.

I have only recently discovered Mondo Motors and have only bought a couple of cars. The first one I bought was a black Lamborghini LP560 Super Trofeo.  I've started to make this but not finished it yet.  I've also bought a Lamborghini concept convertable.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Touring 1957

I have just finished a 1957 Mercedes Benz 300 SL.  It is a really nice

Classic Car  including a suitcase strapped to the boot and a spare wheel inside.

I enjoyed making this car specially putting the engine in. I have  now

added it to my collection of classic cars.

Friday 8 July 2011

The making of the model car

The first thing I do when I'm going to make a model is get all the pieces out of the box and spread them all out in front of me.

I have a good look at  the plans and make sure I have the screw driver and some glue just  in case I need it. when I'm ready I usually start by connecting the lights to the body of the car and then gradually go from there.  I enjoy the whole proces of  making the model but my favourite bit is fitting the engine.

It's a great feeling when i put the last piece on and the model is finished.  this is then quickly followed by the thought 'when can I start the next one'.

Friday 1 July 2011

My New Model cars

A few weeks ago I completed a blue Bburago Range Rover I have other Range Rovers in my collecton including a  Police model. Now that I've finished this I now have all the Land Rover Models that Bburago produce.  

I  Have also just finished making a Nissan GT -R I was really happy when the shop had this model as I really like the car. It is a 2009 GT-R in sliver.  I really enjoyed making this model.

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Video - Lamborgini with lights

Here is a video of a Lamborghini Reventon Bburago model fitted with lights.  very cool!